
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

M. Finding Health

Welcome to M.A. Fitness Trials. Some may know us from our author's blog, M.A. Leslie, but this one is going to be a bit different. We are setting this one up to get healthy. Now, I know that a blog can't make us healthy, that is going to take exercise and eating right. The blog is going to be for accountability.
My weight has been up and down for years. I have lost weight, gained it back, I've been thin and healthy, and I’ve also been well over my weight. So, I know that I know how to lose weight. I just haven't been accountable to myself about keeping it off. That's what this blog will be for. I am going to be accountable for my weight. My goal is to get healthier, but my bigger goal is to stay healthier.
What we will be doing is, we will be trying different programs, workouts, exercises, videos, health apps, recipes, and many other things needed to lose the weight. After we've tried them, we will blog about them and say what's worked for us. By no means are we experts, but what we are is two people who love to write and want to get healthy.